Breathing Space

Contemporary Art from Hong Kong

What’s it? —— The exhibition presents 11 Hong Kong artists whose works reflect on the pressure of living in this tiny city. Breathing Space is delineated into two exhibition areas (within the gallery and in an open area) to create a meaningful interaction with the theme. From painting to sculpture, video to mixed media installation, the works draw on urban experience and current affairs, inviting audience to pause, reflect, respond and question the world around them.

What we did —— What first came to our mind was a room with an open door that would visualise the desire to take a break from prolonged confinement. The idea evolved into a space with more dimensions. Seemingly antithetical, the cube embodies both constraints and escape – surrounded by the bustling city, you are nevertheless in a tranquil place. Echoing the exhibits (some of which site-specific), we played with limitations to create this aptly paradoxical visual design. 

Client :
Asia Society Hong Kong Center
Art Direction & Production :
Studio TIO
Site photography :
Egill Bjarki 

‘[I]nside the gallery are extant works that
contemplate various restrictions we encounter every day,
from the spatial to psychological,the social to historical.’

‘Beyond the gallery, the outdoor area of our site is
opened up for new commissions that strive to overcome these boundaries through artistic experimentation.’

© TIO 2024