Robert Indiana & Asia Exhibition

What’s it? ——  LOVE Long showcases legendary American artist Robert Indiana’s representative works along with the art pieces of eight Asian artists and collectives, which share Indiana’s poetic sensibilities. This multicultural exhibition examines the nuances between words and images.

What we did ——  Indiana’s oil painting Ginkgo Ai was chosen as the main motif upon discussions with the curator. To resonate with Indiana’s works further, we emulated his visual style conceptually by creating a sense of balance. Despite not always in perfect symmetry, the visual elements mirror themselves horizontally and vertically – none of which is overpowering. We experimented with various compositions and typographic treatments to achieve a modern, simple look in each display or printed item.  

Client :
Asia Society Hong Kong Center
Art Direction & Production :
Studio TIO
Site photography :
Egill Bjarki

‘LOVE Long affirms that art is a universal language built upon
the fundamental human desire to express and communicate.’

© TIO 2024